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Trinity College

Hartford, CT

Hartford, CT

Trinity College is considered a "potted Ivy" or a "little Ivy." These are a step down from the Ivies in terms of reputation, but they are still very strong academically and are known to be more student-focused than an Ivy due to their smaller size. Trinity is located in Hartford, the capital of Connecticut. It is about 2 hours to Boston and 2 hours to New York City. Trinity is nestled right in the middle of a neighborhood, but as soon as you walk onto campus, you are immersed in its beauty. The campus sprawls over 100 acres. It was founded in 1823, and it definitely feels like you’re on an “important” and historic campus. The name of the school sounds religious, and some of the buildings and windows certainly feel religious, but the school is actually nonsectarian. 2,200 students call Trinity home, and the 9:1 student/faculty ratio really leads to the professors knowing students well and taking a vested interest in their success. The fact that 90% of students live on campus leads to a strong feeling of community.

Trinity is among a highly selective group of schools that meets the full, demonstrated need for admitted students. The median income for families receiving aid is $83,000. Trinity encourages all families to fill out the FAFSA and CSS Profile as they are very committed to expanding their financial support to middle class families. Don’t let the $81,000 per year sticker cost of Trinity scare you off! Gulp! You will not pay that price. Go, Bantams!

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