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How Do I Find the Perfect College?

Sometimes people get very stressed trying to find the “perfect” college for their teen; they feel like they’re looking for that one pearl. In reality, there are dozens of schools that will be a great fit for your child! When we discuss “fit” in college counseling, we’re talking about an academic, social, physical, and financial fit. Some questions for your child to consider include: Academic: Where will I be challenged but not overwhelmed? Where is the learning environment that fits my learning style? Social: Where am I going to be comfortable? Fit in? Feel at home? Physical: Far vs close … big vs small … public vs private Financial: Considerations of merit awards, expected family contribution, and net price Keep in mind that we are looking for schools where your child will fit in and be successful. We are not looking for “good colleges” but good colleges for your child. Perfect doesn’t exist, but we can find a long list of “best fit” schools! Your child will find the right place that will value him/her and the contributions he/she will make to the school.

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